APIAL Estate Agency
Albir Property are associated member of the APIAL real estate professional association in the Alicante province
Our membership number APIAL is A093 .
It can be verified here http://www.apidigital.es/alicante/asociados-apial.html
Our civil liability insurance number is M202200042 issued from Lloyd’s insurance Company S.A
To be a member of APIAL the responsible owners of the real estate company has to provide documented proof of approved exams as a real estate professional
and provide documented experience as a real estate professional here in Spain.
Also provide proof of economic solvency as well a having a physical office address and a special liability insurance.
Proof of paying taxes as well as social security and no criminal record has to be documented.
All of this is a security for our clients as it is safe to let a fully licenced real estate agency like Albir Property S.l to handle the property transactions on your behalf
Why take the risk of letting a non licenced agency handling your property transactions?